Decluttering & Organizing

Decluttering Your Space, Transform Your Life

What does this service include?

Welcome to Living In Harmony’s Decluttering & Organizing service, where we turn chaos into calm and transform your space into a sanctuary of tranquility.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by clutter? Do you long for a home that’s both functional and beautiful? Look no further. Our team of experts specializes in decluttering and organizing spaces of all shapes and sizes.

Rooms we would love to help you with include…

Our process with a complementary video call consultation where Rachel will assess your space and your unique needs. We’ll work closely with you to develop a customized plan that suits your lifestyle and goals. Whether you’re downsizing, preparing for a move, or simply seeking a fresh start, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

With precision and care, we’ll declutter your space, sorting through belongings, and creating a system that maximizes efficiency and minimizes stress. We believe in sustainable solutions that not only create a tidy environment but also foster long-term organization habits.

But our service doesn’t stop there. We’ll also provide guidance on storage solutions, furniture arrangement, and maintenance strategies to ensure your space remains clutter-free in the long run. Our goal is to create a space that not only looks beautiful but also functions seamlessly, allowing you to focus on what matters most in life.

Say goodbye to clutter and hello to a home that inspires peace and harmony. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a clutter-free life.


Decluttering and organizing can be overwhelming, and an outside perspective can make a big difference. A professional organizer brings expertise and support to streamline the process and ensure the job is done efficiently. Let us take care of the details so you can enjoy a more organized space.

The time frame depends on the size and complexity of the space and the extent of the organizing work needed. During an initial video call consultation, we can provide you with a better estimate based on your specific needs.

We recommend your involvement during the organizing process for the most efficient experience. Your input helps us tailor the organization to your lifestyle, and working alongside us can lead to better maintenance of your space.

However, we understand if you prefer our team to manage everything. In that case, we  will keep you updated as needed. As long as you can be present during the decluttering process, we will handle the rest!

During the video consultation, we’ll embark on your project, get acquainted, explore your space, and Rachel will discuss her personalized process to bring order and tranquility into your life. We’ll also go over pricing and timelines.

We offer a range of services, including decluttering, space planning, organizing, and optimizing homes, offices, and other spaces. We can also assist with packing, unpacking and downsizing. View our service page here to see what we offer.

We can help you sort through items and decide what to keep, donate, recycle, or discard. We can also assist with finding the appropriate donation centers or recycling facilities for unwanted items.

We understand that letting go of items can be emotionally challenging. We work with empathy and patience, helping you make decisions that align with your goals and support your well-being.

We absolutely love to use products that enhance organization, efficiency, and aesthetics in your space. During our video consultation, or during the organizing session, Rachel can make suggestions tailored to your needs. You then have the option to purchase them yourself, or let our team take take of sourcing, ordering or picking up the items for you. 

Yes, we can assist with decluttering and organizing your belongings prior to a move. This will help you pack only what you need and make the moving process smoother. Take a look at our Downsizing or Moving & Packing service page for more info.

Our packages vary depending on the size and scope of your project. Each package begins with a video consultation, where Rachel will assess your space and help you choose the package that best suits your needs.

Our team is loving and accepting and we are here to help you, not judge you.

We’ve seen it all. We are not afraid of clutter. We are ready and excited to dive right in!

We can provide you with tips and strategies to maintain the organized space, including setting up systems that work for you. We can also offer refresh and follow-up sessions if you need additional support in the future.

Our pricing can vary depending on the size and complexity of the project. We offer transparent pricing and can provide an estimate during our initial consultation.

You don’t need to do much! It’s actually beneficial for us to see your home as it normally is, as it helps us understand your habits and how we can organize most effectively. If we’re organizing your clothing, please ensure that your laundry is washed. Don’t worry, we’ll handle putting it away for you!

We respect your privacy and treat all personal information and belongings with the utmost confidentiality. We will not share your information or images of your space without your explicit permission. We can also provide an NDA upon request. 

We understand that sentimental items can be challenging to organize. We work with you to honour your feelings and memories while creating a practical system for keeping only the items that truly matter to you.

We can work with you to prioritize areas and create a comprehensive plan to tackle your project in phases if needed. This way, you can see progress without feeling overwhelmed. Take a look at our “Total Home Harmony” package to see if it’s right for you.

Yes, we offer virtual organizing sessions, where we guide you through the process remotely using video call. This allows us to assist you no matter where you are located.

Yes, we offer maintenance and follow-up sessions to help you maintain your organized space and address any new organizing challenges that may arise.

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Are you ready to start living in harmony?